Ofsted and Performance Data
Please find below our most recent Ofsted reports and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables.
Our most recent Ofsted inspection was in April 2017 and we achieved an Outstanding rating in all areas. This is our fourth consecutive inspection where the school has been judged as Outstanding. Here are some extracts from the summary but if you'd like to download the full report please click on the link below.
The enthusiasm, commitment, expertise and passion of the early years specialists who work at Mary Paterson are evident from talking with staff, meeting with parents and the happiness, enthusiasm and learning of the children.
Excellent outdoor learning experiences and opportunities provided on a daily basis within the school grounds but also as part of the forest school experience underpin all that the children do; ‘learning from the feet up’ is the approach used by the school.
The richness of the curriculum and how children’s interests lead and shape their learning are powerful motivators and ensure that they are enthused by their learning. It is hard to remember that these are only two-, three- and four-year-olds when you see what they are experiencing and learning. ‘Making everything out of anything’ is an expression you use to explain the role of the educator within this school. Knowing when to intervene and extend the learning and when to hold back and observe.
It is very evident that children are at the heart of every conversation in this nursery. This begins with the morning briefings in which focus children are identified, their achievements discussed and targets put forward. This develops the culture of every adult knowing every child and being able to move them on in their unique learning journey each and every day.
It is clearly evident that all children make at least good, and many make outstanding, progress from their starting points. This is due to adults’ exceptional knowledge of how young children learn and great attention to individual children’s needs, coupled with expert teaching and the use of resources to support their learning.