Home Learning Support
Websites and videos with free downloadable activities and learning for under Fives.
Spring time/ science/ growth...
For advice on talking to your child about covid-19 , excellent website. NSPCC provides advice on talking to a child about coronavirus / COVID-19
Maths/ Reading/Writing/ geography/ science
Practical Preschool have created a learning through books activity plan with downloadable resources https://practicalpreschoolbooks.com/
Westminster council website have lots of activities for under fives under FIS https://fisd.westminster.gov.uk/kb5/westminster/fis/advice.page?id=Nc0WIs-q-U8
You can also join the Library for free on Westminster council website to access lots of downloadable resources for under fives. https://www.westminster.gov.uk/online-resources-by-subject
The DFE ( Department for education) has released videos and apps that are suitable for home learning. This is the link;
Websites for early learning
www.bookstart.org.uk – Book Sharing and pack Information
http://ukchildrensbooks.co.uk – On-line world of children’s books
– Fun and educational games and crafts
www.literacytrust.org.uk/talk_to_your_baby – Encourages parents to talk more to babies
www.sparklebox.co.uk – Primary and Early Years resources
Every week new stories and drama can be found on;