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Mary Paterson Nursery School home page

Mary Paterson

Nursery School

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Home Learning Support

Websites and videos with free downloadable activities and learning for under Fives.


This video is an example of developing the brain/body connections. Development of cognitive skills, such as sequencing, creative thinking and body/ spatial awareness. Excellent for eye/hand co-ordination. Start with two colours, then three at Nursery level.

Incorporate shapes such as circles, triangles and squares if you want this to be a math's activity. Early learning is multi layered and cross curricular.

Have fun learning through Play!

Spring time/ science/ growth...

Watch chicks hatching

A bean plant growing from seed

For advice on talking to your child about covid-19 , excellent website.  NSPCC provides advice on talking to a child about coronavirus / COVID-19

Maths/ Reading/Writing/ geography/ science


Practical Preschool have created a learning through books activity plan with downloadable resources

Westminster council website have lots of activities for under fives under FIS


You can also join the Library for free on Westminster council website to access lots of downloadable resources for under fives.


The DFE ( Department for education) has released videos and apps that are suitable for home learning. This is the link;


  1. Websites for early learning



  2. – Book Sharing and pack Information

  3. – On-line world of children’s books

  4.  – Fun and educational games and crafts

  5. – Encourages parents to talk more to babies

  6. – Primary and Early Years resources


Every week new stories and drama can be found on;